Becoming a Christian is far more profound than changing what we disapprove of.īecoming a Christian is a miracle - sometimes called new birth. Therefore, disapproval of sinful behaviors is no evidence of saving grace. There is nothing peculiarly Christian about the mere disapproval of any human behavior. When a person becomes a Christian, he undergoes a transformation not just of what he disapproves, but of how he disapproves. It is absolutely unique among a thousand worldly ways to disapprove. That is a gift of grace through faith in Christ. But it cannot feel blood-bought, Spirit-empowered, God-honoring disapproval. The non-Christian world can feel disapproval of many things. The ability to experience a distinctly Christian disapproval of sin is a miracle from God.
And it aims at the glory of God in the Christ-exalting joy of as many transformed sinners as possible. It is sustained by the supernaturally transforming work of the Holy Spirit. The reason is that truly Christian disapproval of sin is rooted in, sustained by, and aimed at spectacular realities for which non-Christians have no taste.ĭistinctly Christian disapproval of sin is rooted in the sin-covering blood of Jesus Christ. I am not interested in making common cause with non-Christians in my disapproval of the celebration of homosexual desires or acts.